Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Natural Heartworm Protection

Natural Heartworm Protection


QUESTION: My 8-year old yellow lab suffers from cluster seizures and had a horrible reaction after giving him Heartgard recently that landed him in an animal hospital for 2 days.  My vet said to find an alternative to Heartgard.  My dog currently takes both phenobarbital and zonisamide to control his seizures.  I am worried about something natural for heartworm being compatible with his medications and would not want any adverse reaction.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

ANSWER: We have homeopathic heartworm nosodes available that will definitely not have any negative effects on him or the medications.

Speaking of medications,Are you still giving your dog vaccines? Since they are a major cause of cluster seizures, I would stop immediately if you are and never vaccinate him for ANYTHING again.

I would also recommend putting him on a diet with no wheat, corn, soy, dairy or beef. Choose a fish based food, preferably a raw diet. That goes for snacks and anything else that goes into his mouth. You also want to stay away from any chemical parasite and pest control.

If you will call me at my shop, I would be happy to send the nosodes and answer any further questions you may have. My number is 727-327-2356.

Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: At my dog's recent yearly checkup, my vet did not give him his distemper shot and said he would not do so in the future either.  I am currently using Sentry's Natural Defense in place of Frontline which is a natural oil topical flea/tick/misquote protection made from peppermint, cinnamon, clove and thyme that seemed to work very well even when we went to Cape Cod, MA where there are always ticks that we find on his face after being out for a walk.  There were no ticks after using this product.  My only concern now is for heartworm replacement.  Can you explain what this nosodes is and how it works?  Would it completely replace Heartgard?  So in other words, I would use the Sentry Natural Defense for topical protection and the nosodes for heartworm?  Thank you very much.

Debbie Peloso

Homeopathic Nosodes are very simply a homeopathic replacement for a chemical substance.  There are nosodes for vaccines, heartworm prevention, etc. It would take writing a book to explain further, so if you need to know more, google will help, or call Dr Gerald Wessner(352-245-2025).
If you are wondering if they work, yes. Several of our clients have eliminated existing heartworms using the nosodes and other homeopathics working with Dr Wessner.

We have the nosodes available here at my shop.  Call if you would like me to mail some.They are very inexpensive to use, by the way.
