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Boston feeding


I got a boston terrier puppy when she was five weeks old and already extremely fat, as she was an only child. She is now just over eight weeks and still very big, even though I have been very careful about her feedings - she is only allowed just over 1/2 a cup each day. She is finally beginning to have more energy but is always begging for more food. She is a very sweet girl and the only issues are the weight and major problems in housebreaking. Could these issues be related? And, how much should I feed her daily?

Hi Mikki, Sure, I would love to help you and your Boston.  Make sure you bring a stool sample for the vet to check for worms.  Sometimes, a FAT belly, can mean worms.
What brand of food are you feeding this baby?  ( brand and flavor)

I can help but need to know the brand.  Once I see the brand, I can look at the ingredients.

Sorry so late answering your question.....I have been ill.

Get back to me.

Marie Peppers LPN MA