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diarrhea in cat


Hi, My cat likes only dry food. Now on SD WD and likes it. But her loose stools are becoming very liquidy. I'd be interested in other foods to try her on. I also have Halo Spot's Stew in a bowl, but she doesn't touch that.

Joan , You asked for help with feeding because of Loose stool...  The First thing you should do is bring stool sample to your Vet --- You don't want this kitty to dehydrate.
Next, the link has some great Healthy home-cooking recipes.   I do suggest you call the Vet and take kitty in for another exam,  
Best wishes,

Joan - How about home cooking for this baby:  SEE my post with Recipes here:
VERY helpful and your cat will LOVE you ...!
Picky eater food / recipe