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Feline Pancreatitis


My cat has pancreatitis.  The vet is considering putting him on steroids, but because he has heart problems, this is very risky.  I'm wondering if you know of any natural remedies that might help pancreatitis or if there is a natural anti-inflammatory we could try first.  Thank you!

Hi Marie
It is important to structure a diet that is frequent feeding not a single meal per day so I suggest feeding a completely natural diet every two hours.I wouldnot feed a dry diet to any cat they simply are not made to take it no matter what a vet says.You can also grow car grass (cat nip) and allow puss to nibble away as this helps them vomit out hairballs and toxins which will otherwise impact the cats daily well being.
I would supplement the cat with the following

Milk Thistle daily
Burdock Daily
Nat.Phos and Nat. Sulph should also be given.
These can all be purchased from a natural health store for humans just give the smaller dose for the cat as if treating a 12 year old child so to speak.

Also water is essential for cats and this should be changed throughout the day.

Good luck and please keep me updated. Remember that you really should be feeding Puss a 100% raw natural diet and this should be done over the next 6 weeks, slowly is the way to do it but the benefits will be great. You may see some loose stools during the change this is normal please do not give up as they settle very quickly within 6 weeks.
