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Bulldog losing hair


    I have a 4 month old English bulldog who is losing hair on the top of her head, and now in spots on her body.  Since we got her at 8 weeks old we have been feeding her orijen puppy, and giving her 1 nuvet vitamen per day as the breeder recommended.  What could this be?  We use vectra for fleas, and sentinel once a month.

Please help

Several things are probably an issue here: 1)vaccinations frequently cause allergy and skin issues. Get a homeopathic vaccine detox either at a local health food store, homeopathic practitioner (for people or animals), or call Dr Gerald Wessner at: 352-245-2025, and please, never vaccinate her again. 2)Vectra and Sentinel are both poisons, and the use of even one, let alone both is toxic to her system. The skin is the largest waste organ, and is most often the organ used to eliminate toxins from the body when the internal organs are dangerously toxic. English Bulldogs are extremely sensitive to toxins like vaccines and pesticides. Please consider going more natural with your little girl if you would like her to have a long and healthy life.  You may want to check out my web site: for information and products to help you out with this, especially my book, "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet". If I can write a book about what I have learned over the past 25 years of studying and using natural solutions to skin and other health issues, there is more that you and every dog owner should know than I can tell you here.