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12 cats- all have tapeworms


Hello, As you can see by my heading,I have cats with tapeworms. I started to bring them to their vet but he doesn't give  discounts and I have to bring them each 2 times for the injection!! It is too expensive! I started to read the thread about the garlic, but I couldn't find how much or where to buy it.  also I saw another website  that sells a liquid that you add to their drinking water.  Does that work?

HI Isabelle
I am not sure which product you are talking about, but there is a great product called Fleeze that is added to daily meals.  But I feel at this stage you are needing something much stronger to get rid of these tapeworm.  You will also need to probably flea-bomb the house as I suspect your cats keep getting sick because there are fleas in the house.  Tapeworms usually come from the eggs of fleas.
My best natural recommendations are listed below.  Your pets would need to go onto quite an extensive program - I would probably be looking at at least 3 months of daily treatment, and then a maintenance dose after that.

Hanna Kroeger herbals - a product called "Rascal" which many vet's recommend as brilliant for tapeworm.  Just check with her before giving to cats to make sure you get the correct dosage.  It is available at:

Another great product made specifically for pets is by Natural Rearing:

The product is called"  Herbal Compound Tablets and is also brilliant at removing parasites from the body.  You will find it on the "products" page, in the sub-category of "N.R. Original Herbal Formulas (Juliette de Bairacli Levy's).

I hope this helps,