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puppy with flu


my puppy is almost 3 months old we took him to the beach and that same night it sounded like he was coughing he has been like this for 3 days now my question is... is it ok if i give him infant cold/flu medicine???? i need answers asap thanx

No it is very not ok to give him human medicine. Matter of fact, it's been in the news lately that they aren't even recommended for humans now. Too risky for small babies and puppies.

The medicine only treats some symptoms, it doesn't help with the actual illness. I'd recommend you go to your local health store and get some 10ppm colloidal silver. Since it works on bacteria, viruses and fungus it will work on just about anything. Use it instead of water the first few days and then you can cut back to 50/50 and eventually to a tablespoon per cup.