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Dog Hemorrhoids? ; canine anal gland infections;


Hello, Miss Peppers. I am worried sick, I just found what seems to be a hemorroid on my ten year old pitbull. I am soooo worried, I am taking him to the vet on Mon. theres only one Vet. hospital open on the weekends where I live and they are extremely high. So any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Is there anything I can do to make my dog feel more comfortable for the next two days? He seems to be acting normal he's wagging his tail as if it does not hurt but it is really red and it looks painful. He is also very lazy, he loves to sleep. He has a pillow but he prefers to lie on the hard floor. Could that cause hemorroids?

Anal Gland Infections; Feeding your canine;
Benadryl dosage canine; Canine anal glad infection; anal glads; can  of pure pumpkin ;

LET Me know how your dog is doing?

Hi Carolyn - Anal glads that have filled can cause a hemorrhoid type of pouch.  I would give him some PURE canned pumpkin ( pumpkin with No added sugar) - at least 3 teaspoons tomorrow with his food.   Also, go to the CVS or Walgreens Pharmacy and get the Tucs Hemorrhoid pads -  Just dab the pad on the area and hold for a few seconds at a time... Good luck!  ( You can also try the cream for human hemorrhoids)

YOU can also give Benadryl 25 mg every 8 hrs for swelling....
As per many Vets....
MOST vets will tell you to give Benadryl ( 2 mg per pound)

PLEASE call your vet on Monday morning for an appointment.
YOUR baby may need an antibiotic as there may be infection.

BEST wishes!

Marie Peppers LPN MA