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Protection against different worms


I am trying to decide what worm protection I should use for my dog. Which worm is more dangerous tapeworms or whipworms? All the protections I find don't protect for both of them. Also, do I need protection against mange for my dog?

Hello, Kylie,

First of all, I imagine that by "protection" you are looking at some sort of internal, vet type of "protection", which means some sort of monthly poison taken internally.

The best real protection against any type of parasite is Mother Nature. Parasites are a SYMPTOM of a problem, not the problem itself. They are a symptom of a weakened immune system,and an unclean intestinal track. Good nutrition (grain free with probiotic supplement &/of raw food diet) will provide both. By adding the B vitamin Thiamine to the food, you can increase flea and mosquito repellency on both you and your pet (500 milligrams a day for you and about 250 for your pet).Garlic is a blood purifier and will aid in preventing blood type parasites like hooks and whips.

Mange is also a symptom of a weakened immune system and can be prevented by the same nutritional program.

To learn more about the natural methods of keeping your pet healthy, you may enjoy reading my be Steps to a Healthy Pet". For right now, you can get a PDF copy free by going to my web site: and submitting the form that pops up. The book will come as an attachment to an e-mail.

While you are at the site, you may want to find out more about the products we offer  like Critter Oil and Happy Heart Nosodes.

Hope this helps. Take care, and feel free to contact us by phone with other questions as well.

Sue Griffin
Holistic Pet Care Consultant