Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > applying advantage to your cat ; alternatives to Advantage for fleas;

applying advantage to your cat ; alternatives to Advantage for fleas;


Hi, i just got some advantage flea medication for my cat the other day & when i applied it i didnt seperate her hair to put it on the skin on her neck, i just put it on top of the hair but it was on her neck too do you think the medicaton will still do its job?

Ashely - thanks for your question.  Yes, you were to rub it in but I am SURE some did go into your cats skin.. NEXT time do give it a good rub.
Or - you can try some Natural options for flea and tic care:
D.Earth or Cedar oils....
see here:
Natural Flea control

Good luck!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the pet Nurse