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Maybe (Mites) Maybe (Allergies)


We have three dogs (one has no problems).  Copey (Dog 2) has severe problems with itching on the buttocks.   He literally rubs hisself raw.   As long as he is on predozone and anitibiotics, he does ok but as soon as he stops taking them, his condition returns.  We are looking for a natural alternative.  Dr. believes it is a yeast infection or allergy.

Neech (German Shepard, 7 years old) has continuing problems with raw bloody areas between his toes.  He does well as long as he is taking Cephalexin 500 mg but within one to two weeks of stopping  the medication, his condition returns.   The doctor suspects mites or allergy.  Looking for anything natural to try.  

Thanks for any help you can extend.   With 3 dogs and 3 cats, bills are getting really expensive.

Hi Lee
The first suggestion for all your pets is raw and natural food.  I can't stress this enough.  Dry, kibble, tinned = NOT REAL FOOD and causes all sorts of skin problems, health problems etc... It is proven fact that pets who are fed natural food live longer lives and generally do not get many ailments along the way.
Also, animals will always pick up on what is happening within the home environment as well, and will often try to carry the emotional load of their owners - so make sure the home environment is calm and peaceful and everyone is getting special time and love, including the humans.
With Copey you may want to try a product called: Anal Gland Relief AN009 - in the "virus, infection & stones" category.

This product is great for keeping the anal glands and anal area in good order and may be what is causing the problem for Copey.  Do follow the instructions as the husks need to be administered correctly. This product will last you quite some time.
The problem with the cortisone and the antibiotics is that they are only adding more and more toxins to your dogs' bodies, making it harder and harder for them to process not only the condition, but also the toxic build up.  While these medications are certainly necessary initially and in cases of severe infection, they are not a long term solution.  They alleviate the symptoms, but do nothing to actually deal with the problem or the cause of the problem.  It just makes it harder and harder for his body to defend itself.
With Neech it is the same thing - using medications over and over is not helping the problem and at his age not recommended on a continuous basis.  Again - a change of diet is completely necessary.  Have a look at the BARF diets by Dr Billinghurst.  Also, adding flaxseed oil to their daily meals will help improve skin enormously.
There is an essence called Green Essence by Australian Bush Flower Remedies.  Apply this essence - a drop onto each affected area about 3 times per day.  You may need to go through 2 bottles to get better results.
Otherwise you can also look at a product by Robert McDowell called: Skin Problem/Blood cleanser/Blood poisoning herbal mix.  This will last you about 3 months and should get things under control.  under the "herbs for dogs" section.

You can also bathe his paws in colloidal silver and sea salt mix.  And this could be an ongoing recommendation. But you would need something stronger initially such as the above mentioned blends.

I do hope this helps, and you will find that changing the diet and using the other products will be far less costly in the long run than what you are spending now and you will have much healthier dogs.  And less chance of needing medications.

With thanks,