Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > hemorroid



Hello, I was reading some questions and answers on the site and wanted to ask one in regard to hemorrhoids in dogs.  I have 10 year old golden retriever who is overweight and has some hip dysplasia going on.  My question is he is bleeding from his anal area and I was cleaning it to see what I could see and I noticed what I "think" might be a hemorrhoid?  Is this possible, do they bleed? Is this a cancerous tumor of some sort? We are going to the vet this week but I would like to be prepared for whatever answer I might get.  Any help you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Kelly,

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I imagine that you have gone to the vet by now which is good. I have no way of giving you information without actually seeing your dog, so all I could have recommended would be to obtain a veterinary diagnosis.