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My Min-Cin , Blain


No matter what I do ,nothing works for his coat ! I'm a older person and I just can't run to the vet. It's like hot spots and it's going all over. I love my pup and I just don't know what to do ..I recently lost my house , I'm working , but I just can't afford the vet bills !His skin is dry, no fleas. I also have a Boston Terrier , she's 14. Lost her mom a few months ago , she was 17 beautiful years old. please help Blain.

Hello Patti,
I know how frustrating and expensive vet bills can be, and also that you have probably noticed that when what the vet does wears off in about a month the skin problems come back even worse than they were before. That's because what the vet does creates more toxins for the dogs body to eliminate, and they are being eliminated through the skin which is the largest waste organ,the furthest away from the vital organs.

I have written entire booklets about the subject, and am working on another one entitled "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet", so I really can't tell you here everything there is to tell you about eliminating your friend's skin problems because there is just too much to tell you. I have been specializing in skin problems for over 20 years now and I can tell you that it isn't as difficult as it might seem.

If you will go to my web site: you will see a section entitled Articles. Click on that topic and read the articles there. They encompass over 20 years of research and experience and I am sure that if you take them to heart and follow the instructions in them you will be able to eliminate both your pet's skin problems and your vet bills.

After you read them, if you have any questions or if you need me to go into more detail, please feel free to call me any evening on my home/office phone 727-327-8769. I won't charge you for a consultation because you've paid enough to vets and the health of your pet is the most important thing here.

Keep in touch.

Yours truly,
Susan R Griffin
Holistic Pet Care Consultant