Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > RE: Abscess or tumor

RE: Abscess or tumor


My cat had a couple of little lumps underneath on her belly that I noticed about 10 months ago. I am on a fixed income,so I can't afford to take her to the vet.Recently it started to form one big lump and it broke open and is oozing some. I don't know if it is an abscess or a tumor.It kind of looks like a crater about the size of a quarter that has pus in it. I have been trying to put neosporin on it,but she licks it off.I started to bandage it at night, but she always seems to get it off. Is there anything that I can put on this to help draw the infection  out? She doesn't act like it hurts her. She is constantly trying to clean it. It has a bad smell. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Plain Neosporin is fine but you've found the drawback. They can lick it off. There is a Neosporin that has a pain reliever in it that you don't want to use because it can hurt your cat if swallowed.

There is no way for me to tell if this is cancer or an abscess. You say it formed a big lump recently. How long did it take? If it was more than a couple weeks it's not just an abscess. However, all tumors are not cancerous.

I don't know where you are but some places do have programs to help people on fixed incomes to get their pets help. Try calling your local Humane Society. I volunteered at more than one over the years and all had similar programs.

If it's just an abscess colloidal silver would most likely work, given both internally and put on the wound. Colloidal silver will also dissolve fatty tumors. If it's cancer there is a great group where you can ask questions about some natural treatments at