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Sprained or broken?


I have a 7 month old golden.   She has always been really active. One morning when i went to get her for a walk i noticed she was limping.  I cant recall how she might have got it hurt because we have just moved so we havent been able to take her to the dog park or anything.  It has just been home and walks trought the day.  The only thing that i remember was when i was trying to put her in her crate for a time out and she wouldnt go in so i pulled her from her leash and she held back i dont know if her nail could hve got stuck into the carpet and i might have pulle and she got hurt.  Well she has been limping for a day know i wrapped her leg tightly putting some presure in it.  I dont get paid until two weeks from know so i cant take her to the vet right know.  What are some things i can do to help her out. I dont know if her leg or paw might  be broken or just sprained.  I touch her paw and leg trying to see if she will cry to see where the pain might be but she doesnt do anything.  What are some things i can do or give her to help her out.  Is it ok that i wrapped up her leg and paw? please help

It occurred to me I may not have been entirely clear.  If your dog is still limping when you get paid, it would be a good idea to have your vet check her out just to make sure.  Sometimes a dog can limp because of a problem in the shoulder or the back, and that should be examined by a professional if the limp doesn't go away.  

Please write to me again if you still have questions.

