Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > White English Bulldog skin issue;

White English Bulldog skin issue;


I have a white english far i have had pretty good look with him oh skin condition..i am very strict on what he eats..he had demodex one time in one spot on the top of his some cream for that and and it went away..but i have noticed that on the inside of his back legs he will sometimes kinda bite at i looked real close and he has a few bumps there a little pinkish red..i was wondering if this has to do with some kind of Allergies he does real well on his kibble he eats Taste Of The Wild Lamb..i also scramble in the microwave an egg to mix with the kibble and also i will mix some carrots or green beans with it my question is what do you think that is on the inside of back legs?

Hi Donna, White dogs tend to have more skin problems than darker colored dogs. LOOKS like your food choices are great.  You mentioned that your dog had a slight case of Demodex Mange.  
If they have had Demodex then the immune system has been compromised.

I would be glad to work with you on some herbs and supplements.

Make sure you see the vet if this continues.

Please contact me private, here

HOPE I can help a little more,

Marie Peppers LPN, MA
See my bulldog site: