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Hello, I have been given a chocolate lab by my sister. Who is now 4 mos old. She had her 1st set of vaccinations at 1 month and I am not sure what she got at that time. We feed her a hollistic diet. I am concerned about vaccinations,in my children as well. Do puppies have to get any vaccines at all? Are there any alternatives to vaccines?

Hi Deanna,

There is the option of working with a certified homeopathic vet and giving nosodes.
Vaccines should only be given to healthy animals.
I do believe in vaccines in young animals because the death they could suffer and easily become immune to is preventable.
Many un-vaccinated animals die of parvo for example.
The problem with vaccines is over-vaccinating. You can try not compounding them as well. Instead of 5 given at once and a major assault to the immune system, giver single vaccines.
I recommend if you are unable to discuss your options with a homeopath to vaccinate for puppy shots. keep him on 100% healthy diet (no dry food) for his life. Vitamins, minerals and supplements for canines, loads of exercise and sunshine. Good boundaries and lots of love and stimulation.
and the next  years of his life you can give titers which will test his blood level for antigens to the diseases. If he falls below a certain number you vaccinate, if he dosent, you dont.
Old dogs shouldn't get vaccines. It's the puppies that are at risk. And the sick animals.

So you can talk to a homeopath and then annually you can discuss titers starting at 2-3 years old and every couple of years afterward to test that he is still immune.
Good luck with your pup!