Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > dog not eating/ NuVET Plus vitamins WORKED ....thanks pet nurse Marie

dog not eating/ NuVET Plus vitamins WORKED ....thanks pet nurse Marie


Hi a while back I wrote to you about my 2 year old collie who wouldn't eat for weeks on end.  You advised me to try vitamins.  I am happy to report that within days of starting on vitamins he started to eat and now eats everything in sight.  He is happier and his coat is soft.  Thanks so much for your advice.  Patricia

I am so very happy that the NuVET supplement helped your baby!!!
Wonderful news....So many success stories...
Glad that NuVET helps....Digestion / Skin, Coat, joints, heart ....
All the body systems....
If you need any more help : JUST ask

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse
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