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Cat itching


I have a cat that occassionally gets a swollen bottom lip, my vet said it was allergies, he gave her a shot and it went away. Sometimes it comes back a little. Is there something natural i can give her for internal itching. She also does this thing where she tilts her head back and kind of licks. The vet said it was air licking, but i dont believe it at all, i believe it is because her mouth is itching and she is trying to scratch it. Anything I can do? I have 7 cats total so it would be hard to get an expensive food.

Dear Shelly,

Expensive food, when you subtract what you are already spending on poor quality food is probably no more expensive than adding in what you are now spending on vet bills, and you would have healthy cats; little or no shedding; greater to total flea, parasite and disease resistance; and very little litter box odor if these are house cats. The other question I have is, do you use plastic food and/or water bowls? These break down over time and can cause mouth issues from the toxins they emit. If you do, I suggest using stainless steel. glass, porcelain or clay.

If you can't feed everyone a different food, can you separate the one from the rest and feed her a grain free natural diet like Pure Vita or Solid Gold's Indigo Moon? There are also enzyme supplements and homeopathic detox formulas as well as homeopathic formulas for allergies and itching which you can research and find on line.
