Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Boxer is itchy and stomach issues;

Boxer is itchy and stomach issues;


Thank you for taking my question. Overall my 2.5 year old boxer is healthy. However, I have noticed for the last year he gets itchy paws, behind, behind his ears, and face. He also gets about twice a month an episode where he doesn't eat for the day and secretes a fish smelling odor from his butt. I personally just started a pro biotic after needing a round of antibiotics and being itchy. Anyhow, I thought this may help our boxer boy. Please help!

Hi Jessica, You are right about a probiotic for your boxer.  Sounds like he may have seasonal environmental allergies.  Very common - Oh, do Boxers have allergy problems...
Here is what our clinic refers to:

This Probiotic needs to be given for 3 months ( NOT a drug/ all natural)
Look for something like this : Acidophalus Pearls

Next - please get this Boxer kid onto the NuVET Plus Program -
see my bulldog web page on NuVET - Allergy Blaster - helps to fight off yeast and itchies.
They will Ship to Canada -  Many Canadians have used this product!
Go to :
or call in :
1-800-474-7044  Tell them Marie sent you for the NuVET Plus wafers -
You will need 1 1/2 per day long term / Snack treat in a Supplement wafer
Use order code 81098 and get the 15% off Discount Program

the bottles sell for 20.00; 39.00 and 55.00  ( Call in if you want the discount )

BEST wishes!
The Pearls and the NuVET will help to fight off the Allergens that are hitting your boxer.
Will get Rid of the Smells

Marie Peppers