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Car Anxiety -valerian root canine dosage ;


I have a 5 year old choc. lab who cries,barks and paces in the car when we go on our two hour car rides to our summer home.  I have tired running with him before we go on the ride to tire him out or even letting him swim in our pool.  We fill the Kong toy with treats or even bring a bully stick but sometimes he doesn't even want them.  But it seems like he gets worse each ride.  I have read some information on the Valerian Root.  I am not sure if it would be good for him.  He is also on Phenobarbital 64.8mg he takes 3 pills a day and is on milk thistle.  He is about 75lbs.  Just didn't know if you had any suggestions to help easy the car ride for him.

Hi Jaclyn:  Since you lab is being treated for seizure disorder, you may want to ask the Vet.
I would think that some Time Release Valerian would be fine for your lab.
Because of the high dosages of Phenobarbital, I would check with the vet.
Valerian is failry harmless, as far as I know.

Good luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA