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tick infestation in Florida



I am at my wits end.  My dog, house and yard seem to be infested with ticks.  I have tried all the toxic stuff and still no true relief.  A few days go by then I find them crawling on the floor, couch and a few have even gotten on my kids.  Like I said, I feel so overwhelmed.  Please let me know what I should do to get them out of my house!  I appreciate your help

Hi Sandy,
This sounds terrible!  Firstly - are your dogs infected with Lyme disease or other tick disease?  If so, get a herbalist to make up a mix of:
Dandelion, Echinacea, Red Clover, Nettle, Yarrow, Wormwood, Mistletoe and Thuja as well as the Bach Flowers Crab Apple, Olive, Sweet Chestnut.
Give this daily (10 drops twice per day) during tick season, or for at least a 3 month period.  You may also want to boost their immune systems with nutritional supplements, colloidal silver (1 teaspoon in daily water bowl) or a super-antioxidant such as Maritime Pine Bark Extract.
Also adding Brewers Yeast, Apple Cider Vinegar and a small amount of Garlic to your dogs' daily meals will help keep them repellant to fleas and ticks.

Now for the house - mixing up vinegar, warm water and eucalyptus oil and mopping the floors, and putting in spray bottles and spraying the house can help.
Burning some citronella candles can help, as can an oil burner infused with tea tree and lavender pure essential oils.  Rose Geranium essential oil is a powerful defender against ticks.  You can rub it on your dogs' collars, and spray it around the house (diluted in water).  Do not use it on cats collars though.
Vacuum often, wear pants tucked into white socks so you can see the ticks, and also to stop yourself getting attacked.  Mow lawns often to keep grass short and keep away from woody areas.  Rake up leaves, and create play areas in sunny spots.  Entice birds into your yard, and/or get some chickens to keep the tick population under control.  Don't feed deer as they often carry ticks.
Keep cluster in your garden and your home to a minimum.  Keep spaces sunny, bright and airy, clean and tidy.
I hope this has been useful information and I do hope you find a solution to this terrible problem Sandy.
Cheers for now.