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Bulging cervical disc nujoint plus; supplements for disc pain ;


My 60 lb, Shepherd-Chow mix is 11 years old. The vet just diagnosed him with a bulging neck disc. We tried a regiment of Prednisone, muscle relaxers and pain medication with some improvement, but now she says he needs surgical repair. I don't have $3000 dollars for this and it breaks my heart to hear him cry.

We've started a second regiment of the same meds and 23 1/2 hour a day crate confinement to minimize moved. What else can we do?


NuJOINT for disc pain
********* Follow up **************  
Please let me know if you need more help ..... I would be glad to work with you two ....
Marie Peppers LPN MA

Oh Betty - I am so sorry about this.  Yes, we can try some supplements to help reduce some of the swelling and pain.
Also, ask the vet if he can have (1) 325 mg baby aspirin every 12 hrs.

Ok, we have had excellent results with the NuVet and NuJOINT Plus - it is worth a shot and you will see results in less than 10 days.
Call them now, they are open 8-4:30 California time zone.
Tell them pet Nurse Marie Peppers wants you to get the 90 count of the NuVET Plus ( 2 per day) and the 180 count of NuJOINT Plus ( 3-4 per day)
MOST dogs take just 1 NuVET and 2 NuJOINTs per day - you can't overdose on this - we do sometimes double up for severe cases like yours.
Use order code 81098 and ask them about the 15% off discount on auto ships...

Also, we can try some Vitamin C start with 500 mg 2 x per day - ESTER C 1 in the am and 1 in the pm.
After 10 days - knock down to just 1 per day in the am of the Ester C.

I sure hope this helps you.
Keep me posted.
Here is my private e-mail