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Hi Marie - question about cough


You helped me so much the last time that I just had to ask you another question. My dog has started this chronic cough that is like she has phlegm or something in her chest and cannot get it up..sometimes it reminds me of her coughing up a hair ball. Any suggestions as to what this is or what kinds of medicines we can give her?
THe vet told us she did have allergies and sinus problems and we give her a 1/2 tablet of claritin nightly. Also, she was put on heart medicine for cogential heart failure but my husband and I don't really feel like that is the problem. However, another vet said her heart sounded good but it did sound like a little bit of fluid around her heart. Could this be what the cough is all about? Anything to do?
Thanks so much! I eagerly await your reply.

Hello Patty - Sounds like CHF- yes, congestive heart failure - Sorry, that is fluids around the heart that fill up and makes them cough.  The heart valves are not working correctly and fluids are backing up.  She must be on a Lasix or some kind of water pill?  If not, she will become very distressed and the cough will get worse.
So, was the heart med at Lasix pill ?   It must be and she does need this very much.  
Get back to me and let me know what drugs she is on.
