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My kitten is 4 weeks old and passed the health test with my local vet.  He eats well..I have him on kitten powdered milk that I mix with 1% milk.  I always keep a saucer full for him because I felt he would eat only when hungry (he was abandoned by his ferrel mother which explains why I have one so young).  He urinates normally but has diarhea when he deficates.  Am I feeding him too much or is this normal?  He doesn't cry when he goes and is lively and curious in his nature.  Thank you.

Hello Kate -

Sounds as though this maybe a little too much milk. Do not leave the formula out for him all day, only give it to him at feeding times.

At four weeks of age, he would not be nursing constantly from his mother. She would be out and them back and not laying with her kittens all day. Establish good feeding times where your kitten will know and will be hungry enough to get a good helping of formula.

Leave water out for him and let him fill up on that, when feeding times comes he will be ready to eat.

Milk can be very rich in the system and a lot of hand fed pets can suffer from diarrhea because most people think of cats and milk as a great combo. Giving too much milk is not good for their system. A lot of cats are actually allergic to it, believe it or not!

I would begin to ween him in a week in a half or so, just in case he does have a milk allergy. If the "fedding time" method does not reduce the diarrhea, then I may say it is the milk and begin weening sooner or try switching to soy milk.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your new little bundle of joy!

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist