Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Urate bladder stones in a american bulldog

Urate bladder stones in a american bulldog


QUESTION: I was reading an article that someone else asked kind of the same question but I needed a little more information. My dog Bruno is a 130+ pound American Bulldog. He recently had to get surgery to remove about 300 ammoniun urate bladder stones. The vet told me I had to put him on purina nf prescription dog food but it is very expensive and he always seems hungry and is putting on a lot of weight. I have not read anything good about these foods and do not want to continue him on it. He eats twice a day now, 1 bowl in morning and one bowl at dinner time. I need to know what type of food exactly to change him to, and how much to feed him and do I need to add any supplement. The vet seems to not want to offer any other info. except the prescription food. Please help me fix this matter so my dog can be happy again.

ANSWER: Hi Chris, Are you willing to cook for your dog?  That is about your only choice other than the Junk Hill's or Purina foods.////
Let me know ?

Sorry so late , I was ill and unable to answer questions.

Marie / Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have thought about it but don't know if I can. He eats twice a day now and I know I don't have time to cook in the morning. Is there anything that I can make a bigger amount of and refrigerate or even freeze. The other problem is he is 130 pounds and eats alot and I don't know if I can afford to feed him cooked food. But I am interested if you have any suggestions.
Have you heard anything about that Flint River Ranch dog food. It says it is low in purines and some suggest it is a good food for dogs that produce stones. Alot of people left feedback saying there dogs loved it and it made there coats a lot nicer and helped with itching which he also has problems with. I was about to make the change to that, just to get him off the purina nf which seems to be making him fat and less active. Just wondered if you know if that would do about the same as purina nf. It seems to have alot more of what he needs but if it isn't going to help with the stones there's no sense in changing him to it.

Thanks for your help and time,

YOU are very welcome!!!  Remember - No table foods and only Grain-free dog treats...
There is also a brand called NO Grainers... great treat.
YOU can give him 1/2 cup of green canned peas per day ( no added salt)  OR 1 cup of green canned beans... each day.
The peas and green beans are empty calories and will help him to fill up.
Always make sure he has FRESH water daily--- to make sure he is encouraged to drink water.

You can try the Flint River along with adding some cooked lean meats.
How about adding 1 cup of cooked lamb to each meal of the Flint River.  
( or at least 1 x per day)
Yes, just make sure the Flint is low in phos, protiens and purines...

For treat / go with Innova Evo or Wellness Core's grain-free treats.  ( not too many )

I understand not wanting to cook for a 130 pound plus dog.

Good luck guys!

Marie Peppers LPN MA