Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS



Is there anything I can give my 6 year old cat to prolong her life after being diagnosed w/ FIP?  She's just now beginning to show signs of losing weight.  There's got to be an holistic alternative to antibiotics, which don't help anyway.  I also am not wanting to have the FIP "vaccine" for my other cat; the research I've done shows it doesn't prevent FIP so I don't think I need to put it in my cat...THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Hi Donna, So sorry about this :  You can try Sliver Shield products - They are sold by Nature's Sunshine in many health stores.  Get the Liquid Silver and use it daily.  
Sorry - I can't help with dosages - It will say adult or children's dosage on the bottle/ Follow the drops for Chidren's dosage.

Do some research into Silver - it is a natural anti-viral and anti-biotic.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA