Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Chronic Wheezing Cough CHF canine ; CHF lasix canine ;

Chronic Wheezing Cough CHF canine ; CHF lasix canine ;


QUESTION: Hi, I have a labrador who is 10 years old. He has a heart enlargement problem as per our vet. The medication which has been prescribed is as follows :- (1) Lasix (2) Prednisolone (3) Deriphylin. Apart from this my lab is also being administered Bronchal Dilator via injection. All of this is not seeming to have a bettering effect on him. Is there some additional tests or medicines that we could administer to him so that he feels better. While he coughs I feel that he wants to puke out the phlegm which is stuck in his chest but it just does not seem to come out. Is there some way the phlegm can be pulled out from the chest as is done for us humans. Would appreciate any help you can provide around this.

ANSWER: Hello Gaurav :  So sorry but it sounds like End stage CHF, congestive heart failure.
The meds you are giving your lab are excellent choices.  Seems like the vet is doing all he/she can do for your pal.
The main problem is fluid around the heart sac.  
There is not much more anyone can do for your pal.

Just keep up with all the good work you and your vet have started.

Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for looking into my question. Yea ure right the vet is doing all he can at this point of time. I was just hoping ud have an alternate way i could take to make him feel better.

I have just one more question to ask - Does CHF attacks like wheezing, severe coughing have a time... Im asking coz my lab suffers from servere coughing mainly at night and early morning ... Mostly in the daytime he is himself.

Thanks for your assistance once again.

CHF - congestive heart : Yes, I sure do think that your doggie kid is suffering from this -
the lasix ( water pill) can be increased - talk to your vet about that.
CHF always hits ( the symptoms) them at bedtime...
When they lay down for a long time and sleep the fluids tend to back up more and congest the heart and lung.
I wish that I could help !

Marie Peppers LPN MA