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Holistic vets in Ft Wayne area and HW prevention


I live north of Ft Wayne and I am looking for a breeder vet that supports the holistic approach to health care. I feed my crew raw and have for 5 yrs now and many vets are so hooked on commercial diets that I meet a lot of resistance and find if anything comes up- they try to blame it on the raw diet.  I also prefer to try holistic approaches whenever possible. Also, I am looking for an alternative to conventional HW mediacation that is as effective as Heatguard. I have a herding breed and though I believe my dogs are MDR1 clear, I still would like to find alternative options.  Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I don't know any holistic vets in that area...
As for heartworm, I do use the old fashion poison - because I am unsure about the holistic option to heart worm...
See here - this is what I use: