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Bella the english bulldog ? giardia parasite;


Hi Marie. Bella is 7 almost 8months old. I gradually switched her from Bil Jac to Innova Large Breed puppy. She has had loose stools ever since she has been on this new food and she now has bright red blood and mucous in her stools. I got Wellness large breed adult food last night but still not for sure if thats what she needs. They are also foul smelling and her gas is worse. Very concerrned, Emily

English bulldog with possible Giardia?

Emily - Please have her stool checked for Giardia..... right away...
The vet will give her something special to take care of this.

Foul smell tell me Giardia or other parasites.....

It can be colitis, too. ( as a result of the giardia)

Has the vet checked her for Guardia????
It doesn't always show up in the first stool test.
SEE here: