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Beagle Colic


My 6 year old beagle has what I am sure is either beagle colic or irritable bowel syndrome. She has all the signs of colic especially, plus she has always been a VERY nervous, high strung dog (we rescued her from an abusive home).
I was wondering if there was any type of food I can give her that will help with this, specifically, a brand name. We have tried a number of grocery store brand dry foods (she has always been on dry food, she has had this problem to some extent her whole life and wet food made it worse) the vet told us to give her Pepcid, but I hate to do that daily and it does not always work anyway.
I would love any suggestions you may have, foods, supplements, anything to help her. We are in foreclosure now and pretty much dead broke so going through a huge battery of testing is impossible and besides, the vet already told us it was nothing to worry about a couple of years ago.

Thanks so much!  

I would recommend that you put her on a totally raw food diet, but considering your financial situation, you can put her on a good enzyme and probiotic supplement such as E-BARF Plus, or the Digestive support supplement from Renew Life. You can also use a human formula if you can find one for less money.  

As far as dry foods go, I would recommend a natural food that has no wheat, corn, soy, dairy or beef in it. This plus the supplement should keep you away from the vet and save you quite a bit of money.

Also, it is best to feed her more frequent small meals rather than a single larger one.
