Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Dog has allergy

Dog has allergy


QUESTION: My dog Buddy is 10 and weighs 55-60# and I believe he has a environmental allergy.  Redness of the skin and hair loss along with itching.  I no longer want to keep giving him antibiotics as my vet does and am researching giving him colloidal silver as I have read it is a natural antibiotic.  Would you be able to help me put him on a regimen of this or suggest something to help him.  My vet doesn't know what is causing the allergy, but we do know it is not his food. It comes and goes which makes me think it is seasonal, but what is doing it is the puzzle.  Need your help as all the vet wants to do is put him back on antibiotics which helps then the problem comes back. Do not want steroids or allergy shots either.  Thank you......I have already purchased the silver that is 20PPM.  Help please....

ANSWER: Greetings!

I just a couple of minutes ago gave a very lengthy answer to the same question, so I think that you can read it on line since the question was not marked private.

As for Colloidal Silver, yes it is a natural antibiotic and a very good one, but just like any antibiotic, you will be treating the symptom and not the problem. Read the answer that I just submitted and you will eliminate the problem. Don't be convinced that it is not the food, because I have found that changing the diet is ALWAYS the first and most important thing to do.

As I advised the other individual, go to my web site: and read the articles there. You may also want to get Critter Oil because it is very helpful topically and environmentally for fleas and skin issues. I also have a silver available that is 500ppm...very powerful. If you would like some, give me a call at my shop: 727-327-2356. We are working on the shopping cart for but don't have it up and running as yet.

Please call if I can be of any further assistance. I prefer the more personal approach.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sue, I can't find the answer you are referring to that you said I should read.  Can you help me out?  Thank you.

The question was just posted to me this morning and I just answered it right before I answered yours.  I don't know how long it takes for All Experts to post answers, but it may be a while. The question was from Joyce with the subject "itchy dog".

If you go to my site,, there is a section called Articles where you will find a lot of information. Check it out.
