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hi. i have a pigeon whos got a prolapsed vent. i noticed her around 3 days back having a soiled  feathers near her vent checked her but but i guess i dint check poperly. i saw her today again n found that a small red part was protuding from her vent. also there was some transparent  smelly discharge from her vent area. she was otherwise flying around normally and her poop is solid not watery. Can u suggest some homeopathy remedy for prolaspse in birds or animals in general. thank you

Hi Naqshpa,

If it is indeed prolapsed cloaca there are a number of possible causes. I will mention  a few..
Has she laid eggs recently?
Egg binding can be one reason she has prolapsed, and can occur at any time before or after egg laying process. This is a CALCIUM DEFICIENCY. Calcium Sandoz is a favored form for avians.
Low blood calcium makes muscles of the body contract in a poor fashion.
She should be kept warm and be given calcium. Area should be cleaned gently and often prolapse organs are gently manipulated and softly put back in the body with copious amounts of K-Y jelly.
You can apply a k-y jelly to help keep things lubricates with q-tip.
Another reason for prolapse is infection. If it is indeed an infection, then that would need to be treated obviously before she is manipulated.
Please keep her warm.
In birds, it has also been traced to behavioral and misplaced "attraction" to human not another bird. This can be treated by modification of how bird is handled.
since, i would have no idea since i cant meet you and the bird, then you may have to do some investigative work.
It is important to make sure she is not heavily infected with parasites that may be causing her to strain, as well.
I am not a classically trained homeopath but To really use homeopathy as it is meant, and not in "pop culture fashion" one needs to ask adequate and many questions to ascertain correct remedy as well as do a physical examination. It is a very case specific medicine and I am sorry i cannot recommend a remedy.
In Chinese Medicine it would be a case of severe spleen qi deficiency that lead to the prolapse.
Good luck taking care of your sweet little bird!