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Gas and raised feeding stations;


11 month shihtzu/daschund 18lbs has  GAS  2-3times week/eat wellness 80 dry/20 wet one nu vet daily/1 tsp pure salmon oil. Since he is on a semi diet now weighing 16 lbs I give him green beans/cottage cheese alternately per Marie. He is very happy, luvs his food, water intake is good (distilled H20) The cottage cheese is Lactose Free

dog with gas issues;  Gloria, I am always glad to help!!!

Hi Gloria, How about raising the feeding and water dishes -  Do a raised feeding at almost arm pit level -
YOUR baby will take in less air.
Next, cut down the cottage cheese to just 3 x per week.  Also, don't do green beans every day - how about every other.....

If the gas continues after you have raised the feeding station ----you can do this:
Tagament every evening, before bedtime :  Talk to you vet about this - Many vets will allow you to give some Tagament.  
Also, you can see here for referred dosages - Walker Valley Vet:

BE aware of any treats you give.  Only grain free made by the Wellness or Innova Folks would be good at this point.

Keep me posted.
GLAD your kids are taking the NuVET supplements

Marie Peppers
NuVET doggie Vitamins