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itchy skin


hi, i have a 14 week old bichon frise called molly...i have noticed that since she started to wander the garden that she is scratching her ears and neck and biteing her little paws and hind legs....she had ear mites when i got her and  i had them treated at the vets but a week later it seemed they had returned so i got her treated again with stronghold that is applied to the back of the neck.... anyway i have changed her food a number of times and im now feeding her hypoallergenic chicken and rice from natures harvest mixed with hypoallergenic dry food.... its really frustrating when she is scratching and biteing, can i just say it is worse in the morning, she sits for half an hour just licking biteing and scratching and then it just happens now and again throughout the day..... i would try anything first before i take her to the vets... i have her insured but would like to try other options first... i hope you can help me... thank you kindly emma

Hi - I know you are in the U.K. and limited to products.  Here is one that will help Molly with here Environmental allergies:
I looked this over and it looks wonderful:  give it a try:

Also, I would look for a TEA tree oil shampoo -  I know she is only 14 weeks old but a weekly bath in Doggie Tea Tree oils shampoo will be helpful.

Also, wipe her paws daily with an unscented baby wipe...She may be allergic to the grass.
Wipe everytime she comes in the house from outside in the Garden.

I hope this helps.

Marie Peppers of Ask the pet Nurse