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cat is lethargic


Have a cat I saved after seeing her dumped out of a pillow case.  She has not been neutered as yet and I believe she is about 2 yrs. old. yesterday 2/5 Harpo just didn't look right and today she is just laying around and looking like she has a stomach ache.  I have given her some pepto bismol and tried to get her to drink water.

Any Ideas and/or help will be thoroughly appreciated.
she is one of 5 cats I have and this came on very suddenly.  

Hello Kath-

Number one . . .  do NOT give Pepto Bismol to cats as it contains aspirin and may prove fatal to your cat. They are highly allergic to Salicylates. Do not administer any further dosages of this to your cat and do not give her milk while Pepto is in her system.

There are a few things that can be making your cat not feel well. Here are a few questions, please answer them the best you can and get back to me. Once I review your answers I will be able to assist you better.

As a cat owner myself, they tend to keep their illness' inwards which tends to be difficult when you try to diagnose and help them.

Here are the questions:

Does she have diarrhea?
If yes, please describe the consistancy and color-
Did she vomit in the past 48 hours?
If yes, please describe the consistancy-
Has your cat defecated in the past 48 hours at all?
Is she licking her anal area constantly, more then normal?
How long ago has it been since she ate?

How long ago did you bring this cat into your home?
What was her condition when you found her?
Do you find her to be under stress?

For right now, I recommend you try to keep her seperated from the other cats. Give her, her own litter box and seperate food and water bowl. I do not want to give you wrong information so please get back to me as soon as you can and I will help you the best I can.

Thank you and I look forward to your response.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist