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2 dogs 2 questions Poms ; pom dog food recipes;


I have one pom weight 6 pounds, I feed him skinless boneless chicken breast, collard greens, green beans, carrots, peas , and mixed veg, these are all frozen and everything is organic, I put all this in food processor ( veg are cooked ) and I add 1 and 1/2 coffee scoups of apple cidar vinegar and 1/2 cup of organic apple sauce, I process this and it makes 6 pints . Both dogs eat this and are not fat..., but the boy itches , he has allergies to fleas and if he gets one flea he digs until he is raw...I bathe him in oatmeal soap and this is once a week , he gets this problem right at the change of the seasons, they do not go outside , unless it is for maybe 30 min a day on my porch...the female has been diagnosed with crohns disease , I think it is irritable bowel, but anyway they put her on 5 mg of prednisone and I cut it to 1/4 each day , they wanted her to take 5mgs and I said no, she is still on this, but I want her off of it, the vet said she would have to eat their canned food forever, well guess what she lost alot of weight and had no muscle on her legs, until I started her on the above she is 5 pounds maybe 6 and has muscle and is very happy now..but is there an homeopathic something that will take the place of prednisone???Please help me with my itching teddy bear and my prednisone Susie...You are a blessing , thank you so much....Leilani

Hi - Glad you contacted me - Your recipe looks great except for a little more calcium ....
Supplement info below:

Ok - for Mr Itchy teddy bear ; I would like to see him take some Probiotic for 1 month - give him 1/2 of a 1 billion CFUs of Acidophalus - this can be found at any store that sells vitamins for humans.  This probiotic is very safe and helps with allergies.
AFTER 1 month you can give him this dosage 2-3 x per week - long term.

Also, I would love to see Mr. Teddy on some NuVET Plus - this will balance out the dog food recipe's need for calcium and phosphorus and also helps Allergies.
NuVET is an Allergy Blaster and Immune System booster...  NuVET will help to fight off any flea allergies and reduces inflammation of the skin.
I would give your boy 1 wafer or 1 teaspoon of NuVET Powder per day.

Also, ask the NuVET folks for the TEA tree oil Hot spot shampoo.... I believe it is 10.00 and the bottle will last you a long time.  VERY healing shampoo.
NuVET is Holistic and not sold in any stores:  You can get it from some Vet offices or call the office at  1-800-474-7044  ( Tell them pet nurse Marie sent you )
Here is the e-store web site :  ( you are looking for the NuVET Plus and the Tea tree shampoo)

Now for Miss Susie - You can get her off the steroids - with a bland food diet only.
Otherwise, she will need to continue the small dosage of steroid each day.
The 1 or 2 mg per day of Prednisone will not hurt her system too badly because it is such a small dosage.  I know you are worried about long term liver damage.
HERE are some recipes you can make for your gal.

Chicken dog recipe / bland diet

1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
1/2 skinless chicken breast meat, poached and shredded
1/4 cup steamed vegetables, cubed
Mix rice and cottage cheese in a medium sized dog dish. Add chicken and veggies.
Sprinkle with crushed dog vitamins.
( USE NuVET - vitamins - LINK above)


Hamburger Dinner

1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
1/2 lean hamburger meat, fat drained and crumbled
1/4 cup steamed vegetables, cubed
Mix rice and cottage cheese in a medium sized dog dish. Add hamburger and veggies. Sprinkle with crushed dog vitamins. ( Use NuVET vitamins )


Veggie Dinner

1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup steamed vegetables, cubed
Mix rice and cottage cheese in a medium sized dog dish. Add veggies. Sprinkle with crushed dog vitamins.
NuVET link above-

The NuVET supplement help with digestion and reduces inflammation in the belly.  Susie can have 1/2 of a nuvet - twice per day- ( Break up her 1/2 dosages in the am and pm)

I also refer many folks to Turmeric..

Curcumin ( Turmeric )
This compound in turmeric that makes curries yellow controls inflammation by down-regulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, suppressing iNOS, and blunting neutrophil recruitment.10   It also reduces lipid peroxidation and tissue injury.
It reduces swelling in the intestines...
YOUR gal will only need a Pinch of Turmeric powder 1-2 x per day - mixed WELL into her WET dog food or into some yogurt????
The taste is very strong.
This is a way she may be able to get off the Steroids / with Turmeric powder.
Found in the cooking isle of the supermarket.

WEll, I sure hope this has helped you.
Please make sure you get NuVET for both of your kids.

Marie Peppers LPN MA