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dog diarrhea


HI there, I am in need of help. My dog started having very soft stools about 2 months ago. The vet had me try a few days of peptobismo, no change. Did full blood work, everything was normal. he then put her on a medicine to stop the diarrhea, still no change. He started her today on a new food and 3 day dewormer. 3 days ago her diarrhea changed to complete liqued, going 2x or more a day. She is still eating and drinking normally, though the past 3 days she is definitley sleeping more then normal. The vet took more blood today and is starting her on steroids. SHe has no fever.  Is there anything I can be doing to build the good bacteria in her intestines? Give her acidophelus?

Emily:  Wow, poor doggie kid!  the 3 day wormer may have made her stool liquid, which can be a side effect.

I hope you are feeding a good food:  here are the ones I like to refer pet parents to:

Innova EVO ( 99 % GRAIN free/ meat based goodness)
Wellness Formula - White Fish and Sweet Potato
Natural Balance ( fish and potato)
Solid Gold - Holistic formulas

If the vet has your baby on Science diet brand, that is filled with too much corn, wheats and rice.  NOT good at all - a poor food for your baby.

Next, I would give her 1/2 to 1 cup of yogurt per day.  The amount depends on her body weight.  Also, make sure you get Activia brand with the Active Cultures in it.  I would do this every day for 30 days.  After that, I would continue every other day for another month.  Get the low fat vanilla or plain brand of Activia yogurt.

Last, go onto some NuVET Plus / Excellent to build up her Immune System and great for Digestive Health...... A must for this girl.
Here is the order code: NOT sold in any stores:
Make sure you use this code or they can't sell to you.  They don't sell the the public with a breeder referral.
Special code 81098

Make sure you look for the NuVET Plus wafers.  She will need 1-2 per day - great wafer treats... The cost is .55 cents per day for most doggies.  

Let me know how she is doing in about 60 days.  It takes time to get better and clean out the system.  Also, it takes time to build up the immune system.... Give her a little time

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers
Nutritional Consultat / For the dog and cat in your life.