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leg/ligament swelling


My 6 yrs old Italian bull Mastif has a swollen place above his paw and below the fold in his leg. It has swollen to the size of a fist and is hot. When he passes his urine it smells strong like there may be infection.. What type of home remedies or antibiotics can he be given to ease the swelling .. I took him to the vets and they gave him tramadols which I myself take for pain. Again does this seem like an infection growing and can I give him a antibiotic or some type of natural remedy.

Hi, I am so sorry your bullie is having such troubles;  Please call you Vet and ask why they did not give an antibiotic?  I am wondering if they just feel it's swelling from arthritis ?
You can always get a second opinion from another licensed Vet;

One thing that helps infection is colloidal Silver -
Do a google search on Colloidal Silver for canines ;

BEST wishes to you!
Sorry I can't help more;

Marie Peppers LPN MA