Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > UTI in my cat

UTI in my cat


QUESTION: Hi Marie-wish you had a phone-I just spent 20 min. typing you a note & was ready to send & lost it!
My female cat Precious is a rescue about 31/2 yrs. old. She has had recurrent UTI. The problem is that she either urinates on my bed or on a bathroom rug. us. on my bed. This is usually when I am getting ready for bed at night & I tired & want to go to sleep. This is a real problem-I also have 2 Samoyeds & a rescue pointer. I have baby gates up everywhere & now have to close my bedroom door which I need to go in & out of.
1.  3/26/07 UA: some blood in urine, no crystals. on Baytril 14 days.
2.  2/7/08  UA:  a few struvites , no stones On X_RAY. On Clavamox 14 days.
3.  7/24/08  Clavamox again 14 days.
All these times she had urinated on my bed & or bath rug. I know her pattern, when on antibiotics after about 4 days she uses litter box normally & everything looks good. But before she uses it a lot more frequently & there are many pieces. I have 2 boxes in house. One at her end with food & water & one in my bath.  I clean them both several times each day or at least once.  I have used alternative meds on myself & dogs for 30+ yrs.  I refuse to keep taking her to vets & putting her on antibiotics.  I was feeding her a holistic food &my vet said I had to try the (very unhealthy) I think CD.  She wouldn't touch it.  So. I have been on The Purinea UTI dry. Don't like that either, but I thought I'd give her advice a try. Precious won't eat but a bite of canned, tuna or salmon & then leaves it.
I spoke to one cat spec. about 6mos. ago & he believes she will continue to have Uti unless I feed her all wet food.

I finally bought Wellness dry cat (it has 3 cranberry sources in it) I am mixing it now with the remainder of thePurinea.  
I have on hand Bio-Pets Nzymes & I used 1/2tsp sprinkled on her dry today.  I also put Ox-E drops in her water. Are you familiar with Bio-peta products?  I use on my dogs.

Sorry this is so long & I am afraid I will lose again-excuse the misspelled word.  What other natural supp. can I use to keep herfree of UTI & clear now?  Grapefruit seed extract-yet I don't think there is anyway I can get that down her or oregano oil either. I was surprised she ate the nzymes-but at first bite shook her head. I can't pill her & I also know she needs a probiotic-tried putting mine in milk-she took one drink-
Thank you so much-please help!!!
1. 3/16/07 little blood, no crystals . On Baytril for 14 days.

ANSWER: Hello - Well, you are very informed on Holistic and Natural choices for people and pets....Good JOB.

Now this little Precious Cat needs some natural help, as you know:
Can you get Bene Bac Gel into her?  Or mix into some Wellness WET or Innova WET cat food... The Bene Bac is found a most pet stores or on-line pet stores...LOW cost and you would use it for 5-7 days.  It is a probiotic in a gel form.  ( no pill)

Next, I would try the NuVET Feline Powder - NuVET is an Immune System Blaster for this cat kid!  That's what she needs is a blast to her system.  NuVET is wonderful for cat's with infections!  Heals and Protects against future problems, too.
NuVET is guaranteed to help or they Will REFUND you.
Also, If she Won't eat it, they Will REFUND you.  TASTE guaranteed!
Worth a shot???? Right?????
Here is the ordering info - NOT sold in any stores:
Please use this order vet code - They Can't sell to the public without the code ***   81098  ****
Tell them Marie from A-Plus Pet Care sent you....
You need the NuVET Feline Formula - get the 90 count... Again, they guarantee this ...
I would mix this powder into some of the WET foods that she likes.
YOU should see results in 3-4 weeks or less.
YOU may want to mix it in some cottage cheese?  ***some cats like it that way *****
***get the low fat cottage cheese*****

After you get the NuVET feline - Please let me know you started the program.  I will work with you on this.  Please up date me each week by e-mail..Thanks
Look forward to working with you two!!!

Marie Peppers
Pet Chef
Pet Nutritional Expert
Alternatives for Pets

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Marie for the speedy answer. I will go on line now and order the NuVet. You didn't say where I could get the probiotic gel, but will search for it.  Vetri science I know has one-it's prob. ok.  Just hope I can get her to eat the Nuvet since she doesn't like wet foods.  You didn't mention if you knew anything about Bio-pet nzymes & if you thought they were good?Thanks again so much, Boo

She can have Wellness Dry or Innova Dry cat food - Make sure you mix a little water and salmon oil with the NuVET powder - see if she will eat it.. The dosage of the NuVET feline powder is very small.

The Probiotic is the bene bac gel - here is a link I found for you:
The Drs Foster and Smith site is a good one to order from..

As for the nzymes - I have the info packet here for my review.  The company sent me all the " science" info on the product...Looks good, I may start referring to them, also..

Talk to you soon,
If you order today the NuVET will be sent out sometime on Monday from the California Manufacturer office..
