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Ear infection


One of my female pit bulls get very frequent ear infections i clean them and treat with the drops my vet gave me but she gets them with in days of getting it cleared up. she is on Ekanuba food so i don't think its a grain allergy but i would like to find a way to prevent her infections. I have 3 pit bulls and shes the only 1 who gets them. help me please!!

Eukanuba is a very grain based food, plus it contains by products and chemical preservatives. Try switching foods to a truly grain free and natural food. Also be sure to eliminate: wheat, corn, soy, dairy and beef from everything that goes into her mouth.

We make our own, very effective, ear wash but until I get our new web site's shopping cart functioning so you can order it on line, you will have  to call our shop to order it. 727-327-2356.