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White Boxer has skin bumps pinkish


Hello i noticed yesterday my boxer 9 months old had a bump on skin, i messed with it a little thinking it may be ticks and it bled a little, then later noticed one on her back then today noticed three others, are these ticks? i put hydrogen peroxide on it and neosporin then i read and found out it can be allergy so i gave her benedryl what could it be?very worried oh and also what is a good shampoo to bath her with and how often should i bath her? thank you

Hi Liz, Is there any way you can take a photo of this and send it to my e-mail?

If not, I suggest you just give her a bath in Oatmeal doggy shampoo.  Also, you may want to see the vet ASAP... to get a diagnosis.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

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