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K supplementation


Dear Dr.:

this is the same cat i was asking eye questions about the other day.

my ~15 y o, ~6 lbs tuxedo cat has been cri(crf) and hyperT for a couple years now. she has responded reasonably well to all the various supplements, TCM, OTC, Rx, and sub-Q's i have been treating her with.

lately, she has been exhibiting signs of potassium deficiency which are numerous and mostly weakness, lethargy, and difficulty controlling her hind quarters. there is surely osteo arthritis involved, but i am sure she is at least low on K if not seriously deficient due to a combination of not eating enough coupled with the sub-S's of LRS which is high in Na but low in K.

i got some K supplements (which can be seen here: and have begun to give her 1/2 cap (~50mg elemental K) twice a day. i want to get her to a place where continued supplementation is keeping her at the right levels despite her often lack of appetite and her sub-q's flushing electrolytes out.

how much is too much how fast?

thanks in advance.

-A. J., Queen Penelope, and Jester-in-Training LittleOne

Hi again, Is there any way to talk with a Holistic Vet ????
I see you are giving the Sub Q injections for fluid replacement...
And yes, you are flushing out the electrolytes.....
So, I am not a vet, just a pet nurse and don't feel as if I can give your the proper dosage for this situation.

How much Vit K....?  I just don't know the answer to this one.
So sorry, I don't always have the answers.

You may want to ask Silvia M., who is the other expert on Alternatives for pets...

BEST of luck to you kids!!!

Ask the Pet Nurse
Marie Peppers LPN MA