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fur balls/ salmon oil ; ask the pet nurse; innova cat food;


my old female feline, 18 yrs. is a long hair lovely gal! she has super hard poop, is on lactulose 6 mil day, her butt protrudes sometimes gets constipated. she gets LARGE furballs, one got stuck in her throat - had to go to hospital - she quit breathing  - i love the 24 hour hosp that is only 5 min away - but most times she won't throw it up, the fur ball, i guess, passes thru her system. i tried pumpkin, she won't eat it. she is on wet can food - 1/2 can friskees in the am and there is always a bowl of science diet hard food - hair ball control - available for her all day/night. is there another remedy i can help her w/ her poop and/or furballs? especially fur balls thanx, Laura & gramma

Hello Laura and Gramma Cat:  Well, I sure hate to see your cat have such a rough time.
I would take her off the Dry Science diet and go 100% WET canned food only.
I sure do like the following for cats:
Innova Cat food ( canned)
Wellness Cat
Merrick Cat
Eagle Pack
Chicken Soup for the Cat lover's Soul

SEE if you can find them in the local pet store.
MUCH better than the Friskees Brand you are using.

Next- How about some Salmon oil - just 1 teaspoon per day - Mix this into the food - she should love it!

HOPE this helps you.
Again, MORE WET cat food will be much better for her intestines.
NO dry food needed for her.

Keep in touch
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse