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ester c


I have a bullmastiff.a couple breeders of bullmastiff recommend giving them ester c vitamin.Why ester c and not vitamin c?Is ester c really better.Bullmastiff is a breed prone to cancers,I think that is why they advocate it.Thank you

HI Patrick
Yes - ester Vit C is much more absorbable by the body.  Your normal type of vit c is not as available to the body cells and passes through before it can get to work.  Ester vit C works much better with the body, and therefore gives much better results.
You may also want to look at the raw and natural dog diets to keep your dog as healthy as possible. ALL commercial dog foods are rubbish and will do nothing to promote health and longevity in your dog.  Raw meats, raw finely grated veggies, and the occasional supplements, and a raw meaty bone twice per week (like a lamb neck, or a marrow knuckle bone cut lengthwise) will enhance your dog's health.  There are a few companies making these types of raw meals now.  BARF is one such company (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food).
Also - keep toxins and chemicals to a minimum.  There are natural flea, tick, worming and vaccination options available.  Have a look at or
