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pink eye


two days ago around my cats eye was pink and swollen now both eyes are like that i can touch it and it does not seem to hurt but if i put i warm towle on it he does not like it what should i do he doesn't have a vet.

I'd try putting colloidal silver in his eyes with an eye dropper and replace the water with it too.

There is also a homeopathic remedy called Apis mellifica that could help.

Now, this could be caused by several things, including an allergy so you need to investigate the cause. There is no use in treatment if the reason it's pink in the first place is still there. It could be diet related, environmental or caused by a trauma. It could be conjunctivitis which can be spread from one pet to another.

If the remedies don't work within a few days seek the help of a homeopath or a holistic vet. They can also help track down the cause of the problem.

And please let me know what happens with this.