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Natural Antibiotic for Cats; infected cat paw?


My cat was bitten by a stray cat on her ear and her paw. What kind of herbal wash can I use that's safe and what herbs can I use for an oral preventative antibiotic? I have a good vet,.. but would like to lay off of the strong meds that my cat has been on before. She is only 1 year old but had a rough beginning before we adopted her and she has had many antibiotics already. Thanks, Yvette

Holistic options for cat with infected paw;
Natural Antibiotics for pets;
Hi Yvette - yes - A natural antibiotic and anti-viral for your cat:

1.  Silver Shield by Nature's Sunshine -  get the liquid and place the child's dosage in her food daily for at least 3 weeks.  KEEP on hand for anyone in the household with a cut or possible infection.
YOU can buy Silver Shiled at many Health stores that sell Nature's Sunsine Products.
Call around and see if you can find some.  Otherwise, just google in Silver Shield and you can buy it on-line.
Worth every penny!  Lasts a long time.

2.  Please get your cat onto the NuVET Plus Feline supplement-
NuVET Feline is Taste-free :  hide this powder into some tuna or wet food daily.
JUST 3/4 of a teaspoon per day is all she needs.

It will help to  heal and Boosts the Immune system - PLUS - helps her coat and general health.
NUVET HELPS to Keep the VET away...
go here to order: HOLISTIC and NOT sold in any pet stores


USE order code 81098 if you can in / they will ask for the referral code

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1-803-424-2312  ( I love updates - if you need me , just call)
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Marie Peppers / ASK the VET Nurse