Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > shih tzu itching ; shih tzu allergies; steroids shih tzu;

shih tzu itching ; shih tzu allergies; steroids shih tzu;


Hi,  Our 4 year old shihtzu is precious.  Solid white but bothered by itching.  It is obviously for relief.  Have taken him to the vet on a regular basis who normally writes it off to the cold time of year or seasonal allergies.  He has treated him with steroids and different things but nothing works any better than benedryl.  Nothing seems to totally help.  Can you?

White shih tzu itchy; canine allergies; benadryl canine dosages;
Itchy Shih Tzu;  cures for your itchy dog; Natural options in pet care;
Hi Bill, I would love to help you and your boy!  Glad you are using the Benadryl when he is very itchy. Benadryl has few if no side effects and can be used on pups to adult dogs for allergy relief.

I have a number of things we can start out with :  All are NOT drugs and very Natural:

1.  Let's get this baby onto the best OIL in the world.... this bottle will last you at least 100 days.  You will give only 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon each day - long term ..
( if you dog is under 6 pounds use 1/4 teaspoon per day)

It's not sold in the stores, needs to be ordered here:  Will deliver right to your door:
Sealogix Omega-3: 8 oz. Liquid ( Made for People and Pets)

Will help to REDUCE all the inflammation response related to environmental allergies:
Plus, great for skin, coat, and also Protects hips and joints from injury.
( they give a 100% 30 day money back guarantee)  

2.  NEXT - HOW about some NuVET plus supplements!!!  NuVET is an allergy blaster and also reduces inflammation related to allergies.  NuVET helps to re-build a weak immune system and helps your pet to fight off allergens.  I am sure it is Environmental allergens that are hitting this little one, very common.
For NuVet,
Please order here:
Give 2 wafers per day for 10 days and then go to 1 per day LONG term..
NUVET costs about 39.00 for a 60 count bottle
55.00 for a 90 count bottle....MOST dogs only need 1 wafer treat per day.

TELL them you are working with Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse
- use order code 81098 and ask about the 15% OFF DISCOUNT PROGRAM /
Here is My personal NuVet Web page:

HOPE this all helps you. We can also talk about feeding some Home-cooking recipes for your little one.  I have a number of commercial pet foods and recipes that I can refer you to.
Let me know if you want to change to the dog food?  I like Holistic brands that have No corn in the ingredients.

Keep me posted.
VERY busy here at my Doggie Hotel this week...
Cozy Country Doggie Ranch in South Carolina

Here is my home/ hotel for dogs:

Happy New Year!
Marie Peppers LPN MA