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boston face sores and wrinkles; doggie acne;


My boston terrier Dotti is almost two. This winter she started getting little scabs on her lips. At first I though her pit bull sister was playing too rough. But then they would appear out of no where after she would come from out side. So I thought maybe she was rubbing her face in the ice and snow. My mom told me her friends dog was diagnosed with doggie acne. So I did a little research but the pictures I saw looked nothing like what Dotti has. You can tell when it is bothering her because she rubs her face on the blankets. She does this also in the morning to get the slimy sleepy bugs out of her eyes. Then just lately I have noticed that she has what the bulldogs have in her wrinkles. She only has one wrinkle under each eye, but inside was brown, red and moist.but they don't look infected,  My question is what is the best way to clean the wrinkles? And what are the little scabs from and should I be worried?

Boston Terrier pimples; doggie acne?;

Hi Morgan - I bet she has a virus and needs to see the vet.  The pimples sound like a form of herpes virus in dogs.  Take her to the vet for a good look over.
As far as cleaning wrinkles - see here
: good instructions: ( cleaning crusty skin folds)

HOPE your vet can figure this out.
BEST of luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse