Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > vomiting Boston with bad smell ;

vomiting Boston with bad smell ;


my boston terrier once or twice at night time throwing up smells really bad only eats dog food has been caught eat the cat poop we have at home.   ty

tagament for canine vomiting; parasites in Boston;
HOW is your boy now?  Did you see the VET?

Hi Cooper,  I would have the vet check your Boston for parasites or worms.  Please also bring in a stool sample for the vet.
There are some medications you can give to stop the vomiting.  Ask the vet about giving Tagament at bedtime.  
HOPE this helps...
Try to keep your dog away from the cat box????  I don't have any ideas on how>>>>>>  sorry

Good luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA